People understand that their donations done both in cash and kind go for a
good cause and good karma. All devotees, volunteers and donors are blessed in this
as well as after life.
All donations collected are used for various purposes like Annadhanam - is
done to spread equality [Samabhandi Bhojanam]. Homa’s / Yagnas are conducted
regularly for the benefit of our devotees for speedier recovery from various diseases
like Cancer [ Yaksha Nasana Homam] and other illnesses etc.
A scheme called Pidi Arisi Thittam is followed where devotees are given a
container and are encouraged to collect not more than a handful of rice once a week
either from their own home or from others and once the container gets filled they
return it to the Mutt. This scheme was introduced under the guidance of our
Jagthguru Maha Periyava. A mud hundi is also distributed to the devotees who
return it to the Mutt as soon as it is full of cash or coin offerings. These little drops
of service has enabled us to face tougher times and any surplus offerings of rice and
other grains are offered to other nearby temples, orphanages during auspicious
ceremonies, festivals or Annadhanams.